
24 May 2021

A personal store front in the online store

When you walk past a store front in a store, you sometimes see something that you get stuck for. This even though the decorator has not done it for me. It could just as well be products that are not at all interesting to me that are displayed. In an online store, on the other hand, there are all possibilities to display a personal store front. The technology to achieve this in e-commerce is easily accessible and ready to be implemented today.

22 Mar 2021

Pre D-Congress 2021

On March 11, we would gather at the Swedish Exhibition Center in Gothenburg to meet at D-Congress and talk e-commerce. But we have to do that on October 28 this autumn and instead got a warm-up at the Pre D-Congress which was broadcast digitally. Together, we can shape an agenda in a time that is uncertain, where digital is first. The industry has become even more dynamic, companies have had to find their way forward with changing customer behaviours and quick decisions.

07 Dec 2020

Live video shopping

Svensk Digital Handel invited to a webinar to talk about one of the trends we are looking at right now - live video shopping. Tom Xiong, who is one of the founders of The Digital Dragon, a podcast that addresses digital trends in the East that will affect the West, went through how the trend is growing in China and has made its way to Sweden.

30 Nov 2020

E-commerce and consumer law

When selling and marketing online, there are many legal issues to keep in mind. In addition, many new consumer rules are underway. A novelty is that companies that break consumer rules can risk high fines - penalty fees of up to 4% of sales.

28 Sep 2016

Trends and Reflections from Global e-Commerce Summit Part 2

A lot of exiting ideas where presented at Global e-Commerce Summit in Barcelona in May, where new technology has been used to make the shopping experience better for customers in the fashion industry. Technologies with advanced and fast image processing, large touch screens, and VR was presented a nice and considered concept in form of interactive “mirrors”.