Estimates for Continued Strong Growth for e-commerce in Sweden

Also the second quarter this year showed a strong growth for e-commerce in Sweden, sales increased by 15 % according to the e-survey Internet Retail, e-barometern, presented by HUI Research in cooperation with PostNord and Swedish Digital Commerce association, Svensk Digital Handel.

Children items and toys was the industry with most growth during Q2, 38 %. Of the largest industries, home electronics had the largest sales growth with 13 % online. Some part of this is likely to be explained by the fact that several chains has an omnichannel focus to increase availability and freedom of choice for the consumers.

While clothes and shoes also this quarter showed a smaller increase of online sales, only 2 %. This is probably due to the fact that it is more common to shop from foreign sites who takes shares of the market. 32 % of the consumers who had shopped online during the second quarter, had ordered from a foreign site.

When the consumers answer the question which sources that are most important for them when shopping online, search engines, together with price comparison sites, friends, and visits to the store are in the top. Aimed marketing offers in different channels are considerable further down.

The estimate for the entire year is still that the growth will end up in 15 %, with a turnover of 42.5 billion SEK for e-commerce in Sweden during 2014.

Read the entire e-survey Internet Retail (in Swedish).